Dementia Care Options

There are many things to consider when sourcing support for someone living with dementia. There is a lot of advice available to you and you can find links to these here. 

With the right support, people can live well with dementia and continue to do the things they enjoy for a number of years following diagnosis.

It is a good idea to plan for the long term and to be aware of support available in your area, including:

Friends/ Family

In the early stages of dementia, the support of friends and family may be adequate to meet a person’s needs. Having a supportive network is extremely important for people living with dementia. However, accessing support is recommended to ensure that carers also look after their own health and get the support they need too.

Specialist Day Centres

Daycare is the right option for some people and can offer a full day of activities and support whilst ensuring a person is still accessing the community and remaining independent. Daycare also gives carers the opportunity for a period of respite, knowing their loved one is safe.

Memory Cafes

There will be a number of groups in your area running memory or dementia cafes. These provide a place for people living with dementia and their carers to go to socialise, play games or sing and also provide a good environment to access information and support.

Respite Care

Carers who look after a loved one with dementia may need to organise respite care for a period of several days to several weeks. This ensures that carers get a break. This is often organised through the local council and can be provided in a local care home.

Home Care

The environment is an important factor when deciding about care as it may affect a person’s orientation. People with dementia often function a lot better in environments that are familiar to them. Homecare is an option that can ensure a person with dementia can remain living in their own home, whilst being supported by trained staff who can help them optimise their independence and contribute to positive wellbeing. A support plan can be created with a person and their family to ensure their needs are met and they are involved with their care planning. Please note, we currently only offer homecare in the Harrogate area.

Dementia Care Homes

There may come a time when you feel that more support is required and need to look into permanent care as an option. A good care home will take a person-centred approach to dementia care and will involve the individual in the development of their personal care plan. They should also have a comprehensive activities programme to ensure that people living with dementia are able to maintain their hobbies and interests.

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